
Latest Post

July 11, 2024

3 Ways to Incorporate God’s Word on a Daily Basis

June 26, 2024

Why Lakeside Christian School Is the Perfect Place for Your Child

June 10, 2024

Keeping the Faith: Summer Strategies for Spiritual and Academic Growth

Blog Posts

November 14, 2023

Preparing Students for a Faith-Filled Future: College and Career Readiness in a Christian K-12 School


October 21, 2023

Community, Service, and Outreach: Christian Private Schools Making a Difference


October 13, 2023

Parent-Teacher Partnerships: Fostering a Strong Christian Education Alliance


September 29, 2023

AAA Scholarships: What You Need to Know


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Parents of Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, Click Here.


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