Yes, You Can Afford Private Education in Clearwater, FL at Lakeside Christian School

One of the most common reasons people don’t choose a private school for their children is because they don’t believe they can afford it. What many parents are surprised to learn is that there are several scholarships available that put private school within reach for nearly every family of every income level. Thanks to legislation expanding school choice, private schools across Florida accept millions of dollars in scholarships each year to ensure greater access to better education. 

In this brief article, our team at Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL, has shared a few of the scholarships available to help you remove the barrier of finances from providing your child the education they deserve.


Scholarships Accepted by Lakeside Christian School

At Lakeside Christian School, we want to remind you that YES! You can afford a private education at the best private school in Clearwater, FL. This is made possible through a combination of affordable tuition and the following scholarships to fill in any financial gaps or needs: 

  • Step Up for Students: Step Up for Students scholarships are a product of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program that was started in 1998 to help lower-income families have a choice in where their children went to school. Step Up for Students in Clearwater, FL allows parents the opportunity to take their children to participating private schools if they felt they were not being served with quality in their local schools. The Step Up for Students scholarship program is different because it targets students who tend to have the most limited options for improving the quality of their education. Families who are active duty military can also qualify for this scholarship.
  • McKay Scholarship: The McKay Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities provided nearly 30,000 Florida students with special needs the opportunity to attend a participating private school during the 2020-21 school year. The McKay Scholarship Program also offers parents public school choice. A parent of an eligible special needs student may choose to transfer the student to another public school. This scholarship is now combined with the Gardiner Scholarship. Currently, the McKay scholarship is available to all students currently in the Florida Public School system who have a qualified IEP or 504 plan for specific learning issues.
  • Family Empowerment Scholarship: The Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) is a scholarship program offered by the State of Florida through the Department of Education. It is intended for low-income and working-class families. This is different from the Step Up program.
  • AAA Scholarship Fund: The AAA Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships solely to qualifying low-income, disabled and/or displaced students. The AAA Scholarship Foundation is one of the only approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit scholarship organizations exclusively serving qualifying low-income, disabled and/or displaced students through these tax credit scholarship programs in multiple states.
  • FACTS Program: The FACTS scholarship is available to all parents who desire that their student attend Lakeside Christian School. This is an income-based scholarship designed to help create more affordable tuition.If you don’t qualify for the Step Up for Students scholarship, you still may qualify for other scholarship opportunities. Lakeside Christian School is committed to granting scholarships to families in need, which is why we created the FACTS scholarship. This scholarship is generously provided by our donors and helps those who are not recipients of Step Up for Students in Clearwater, FL

If you don’t qualify for the scholarships above, you may still be able to use the FACTS program. This in-house scholarship is designed to create more affordable tuition for low-income families and is available to new families who have decided that Lakeside Christian School is right for them. Financial aid is available to all qualifying families through a process called FACTS. FACTS is an online financial aid assessment program.

 It should be noted that currently the McKay and Step Up scholarships do not cover 100% of tuition costs.


How to Apply for Scholarships at Lakeside Christian School

Once you’ve realized that private school is within reach, the next question we often get is how to apply for scholarships that are available as well as their deadlines to apply. 

Many Christian elementary schools in Clearwater ask that parents apply for scholarships prior to admission, however, you may find it more beneficial to speak with the school you are considering directly. School advisors will help guide you through the process of both applying for admission and applying for financial assistance.

Each year, Lakeside Christian School provides over $250,000 in scholarships to qualified families. Our team can help you navigate the ins and outs of applying for scholarships and financial aid and will discuss any deadlines so that you have plenty of time to apply and meet those deadlines. You’ll benefit from speaking with Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL

Lakeside Christian School wants to help you make the right decision for your family. With over 40 years of experience and a diverse student body of children who participate both in virtual learning and/or an in-person setting, Lakeside Christian School is built on the biblical principles of loving God and loving others. This care is demonstrated through the warm, respectful relationships among staff and between staff and students, and uses a tailored approach to your child’s education. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call. 

For more information and to schedule a tour, please call Jim Jensen, Administrator at (727) 477-8542. 


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Private vs. Public vs. Charter: Choosing the Right School System for Your Child

If your child is starting kindergarten soon, you may be facing a difficult and confusing choice of whether they should enroll in a public or private school. However, those two aren’t always the only two options, as charter schools may also be a factor in your search. Choosing the right school system and school for your child is crucial in setting them up for long term success, and with so many options you might be feeling a bit confused about where to start and what the differences are between each type of school.  

In this brief article, the team at our Clearwater, FL Christian school, Lakeside Christian School, has shared some insights into the differences between public, private, and charter schools and how to know which is right for your unique child. 


What is a Charter School?

A charter school is defined by the state of Florida as: 

“…public schools that operate under a performance contract, or a “charter” which frees them from many regulations created for traditional public schools while holding them accountable for academic and financial results. The charter contract between the charter school governing board and the sponsor details the school’s mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment and ways to measure success.”

In other words, a charter school is a public school that is operating under the oversight of a governing board rather than the local school board. This sounds similar to private schools because of the oversight of a more localized board of directors, but there are still many of the same standards as a regular public school. 

Charter schools were created to give greater school choice to parents in the state of Florida, and there are certainly good aspects of a charter school. For example, a charter school may have slightly smaller class sizes because students must apply for admission and because charter schools have the ability to target specific age levels. Furthermore, parents may be invited to have a greater level of involvement at a charter school. However, because charter schools operate under different rules than regular public schools, there is a greater lack of regulation and the promise of being in a highly graded school may not be a reality. 

Also of note: Charter schools may have a specific focus. For example, the charter school may serve at-risk students, or offer a specialized curriculum or core academic program, provide early intervention programs, or serve exceptional education students. This is different from private schools in Clearwater, FL that take a more holistic approach to learning. 

Another important thing to note is that charter schools are not the same as magnet schools. Magnet schools are public schools with a particular theme or academic focus, such as mathematics, science, technology, business, or performing arts.


What is a Private School in Florida?

Private schools differ from public schools and charter schools because they are not publicly funded and can therefore govern themselves for the most part. For example, Christian schools in Clearwater, FL can control their class sizes and are exempt from the laws separating church and education. 

For a more technical definition, the state of Florida’s Department of Education states:

“A private school is defined in Section 1002.01(2), Florida Statutes, as “an individual, association, co-partnership, or corporation or department, division, or section of such organizations, that designates itself as an educational center that includes kindergarten or a higher grade” and is below the college level.”

Private schools can focus on a specific area, for example they may be limited to elementary, middle, or high school. However, in many cases, private schools are able to accommodate all grade levels, giving students the opportunity to learn in the same environment for their whole education. This can be beneficial for establishing close relationships with friends and teachers while also fostering growth.


What’s the Difference Between Public, Private, and Charter Schools in Florida?

Now that we’ve discussed the definitions of private and charter schools, we can dive into what makes these options so different. Of course, all schools have the needs of students at their core and as the anchor for their values, but there are some major differences. 

For example, public schools often run into major problems with budget cuts and running short-staffed. They may rely on a revolving door of teachers and substitutes who don’t know the school very well. Additionally, public schools often fall victim to large class sizes which can hold students back from the individual attention they need to learn. 

Additionally, charter schools may face the same budgetary restrictions. However, unlike public schools, they are less likely to run into issues dealing with rules passed down by the superintendent. 

Private schools stand out because they are not subject to the whims of politics and are able to dedicate themselves to the education of their students. Class sizes can be significantly smaller and the pool of substitute teachers comes from well known and fully vetted staff.


Should My Child Go to Public, Charter, or Private School?

Now is the big question: should my child go to public, charter, or private school? It all depends on the student and their individual needs. 

In many cases, parents do not believe private school is a choice due to the cost of tuition, however, there are several scholarships made available through the state of Florida to help empower parents with more choices. A Clearwater private school does not have to be out of reach just because of finances. 

Many parents choose a private school for the aspect of stability, community, and a more personalized and individualized education. Although your child may thrive in public schools or charter schools, they’ll have access to faith-based learning and top-notch college prep in a private school. 

Lakeside Christian School wants to help you make the right decision for your family. With over 40 years of experience and a diverse student body of children who participate both in virtual learning and/or an in-person setting, Lakeside Christian School is built on the biblical principles of loving God and loving others. This care is demonstrated through the warm, respectful relationships among staff and between staff and students, and uses a tailored approach to your child’s education. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call. 


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, a Clearwater, FL Christian school, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

Does the Step Up Scholarship Apply to Virtual Learning?

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more families than ever are choosing to enroll their children in virtual learning opportunities. In fact, Florida Virtual School, a public virtual school, reported that over 13,000 students were enrolled in the 2021-2022 school year. That number doesn’t include the growing number of students who are also attending private schools virtually. 

Of the thousands of students who are attending virtual school, many qualify for financial aid options just as in-person students would. But does the Step Up for Students Scholarship apply to those who are participating in virtual learning? 

In this brief article, our team of advisors at Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, shares a basic guide on whether or not you can use Step Up for Students for virtual learning opportunities. 


Overview of the Step Up for Students Scholarship

Before learning whether you can use Step Up for Students scholarships for virtual learning, it’s important to cover a few basics about what Step Up for Students actually is. 

Originally created as the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program, Step Up for Students was made to help empower low-income students and their families to have more of a choice in their education. 

In short, the Step Up for Students scholarship allows parents the opportunity to take their children to participating private schools if they felt they were not being served with quality in their local schools. Furthermore, the Step Up for Students scholarship program targets students who tend to have the most limited options for improving the quality of their education.

Step Up for Students is one of two non-profit Scholarship Funding Organizations (SFOs) that issue scholarships and determine student eligibility for: 

  • The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC)
  • The Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES)
  • The Gardiner Scholarship
  • The Hope Scholarship
  • The Reading Scholarship 

Families who are active duty military can also qualify for this scholarship. This scholarship may not cover 100% of tuition costs, but on average families may be awarded $7,000 toward their educational expenses/tuition.


Does Step Up for Students Cover Virtual Learning?

The most important factor to consider in determining whether Step Up for Students will cover your child for virtual learning is to understand if your child is attending schools that qualify for Step Up for Students in Clearwater, FL. Your student will need to attend a school that participates in this scholarship particularly.

Next, the state of Florida states the following: 

“The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship still includes language to allow students to take no more than 2 state-funded virtual courses. The Family Empowerment Scholarship for income-based students does not include that language. Students who participate in the Family Empowerment Scholarship will be able to use their scholarship funds for the Florida Virtual School as a private-paying student. Schools may also want to consider building Florida Virtual School courses into their tuition and fee schedule.”

Simply put, students who use their scholarship for Florida Virtual School may find that they are limited in the number of courses they take. However, if your student is attending a private school that has options for virtual courses in their tuition, you may be able to use the Step Up for Students Scholarship. You’ll need to discuss your specific situation with the team of advisors at Lakeside Christian School to discuss your financial situation and whether you can use the scholarship toward virtual courses.


Why to Consider Private High Schools in Clearwater, FL for Virtual Learning

With the option of Florida Virtual School, you might be wondering why you should bother sending your teen to a Christian high school in Clearwater, FL for virtual courses. In a private Christian high school, your teen will be invited to take part in virtual faith-based learning. They’ll also be part of smaller class sizes with the same level of attention that they would have gotten in person as well. 

Furthermore, your child will be invited to participate in extracurricular activities exactly as they would have in person. Community is a main factor in your child’s education experience, even in a virtual setting. 

If you’re hoping to learn more about the scholarship opportunities available for your children, don’t hesitate to contact one of the scholarship specialists at Lakeside Christian School. Private high schools in Clearwater, FL do not have to be out of reach due to finances, and relief is available even if you choose a virtual setting for your child.  

With over 40 years of experience and a diverse student body of children from families of all socioeconomic backgrounds and income levels, Lakeside Christian School is built on the biblical principles of loving God and loving others. This care is demonstrated through the warm, respectful relationships among staff and between staff and students, and uses a tailored approach to your child’s education. If you’re interested in learning more about how we challenge all of our students to achieve their academic and personal goals, give us a call today. 

Each year, Lakeside Christian School, an affordable private school in Clearwater, FL, provides over $250,000 in scholarships to qualified families. For more information and to schedule a tour, please call Jim Jensen, Administrator at (727) 477-8542 for new inquiries only. For all other concerns, please call (727) 461-3311.


If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.

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