Do Private Schools in Clearwater, FL Accept Scholarships?

Private schools can often offer more individualized and tailored education for students. With smaller class sizes and more unique programs, many families seek out private school education for children. 

As one of the most beneficial scholarship programs in Florida, Step Up for Students in Clearwater, Fl is one of several scholarships accepted at Lakeside Christian School. To learn more about our top scholarship program option, read on.

What Is the Step Up for Students Scholarship?

Started in 1998, the Step Up for Students Scholarship serves over 80,000 students across Florida and is a product of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program. The goal of this scholarship is to allow parents the opportunity to enroll their children in private schools without financial burden. 

This scholarship helps students with the most limited options for expanding their education, like those in low-middle income families, those that are victims of bullying or abuse, and those with special needs. It also allows educators to accelerate student learning beyond the normal pace of mainstream education. 

If you are a parent wondering how you can afford to send your child to the best private schools in Clearwater, Fl, the Step Up for Students scholarship may be a good fit for your family. 

Scholarships at Lakeside Christian School

Every year, Lakeside Christain School provides qualified students and families with more than $250,000 in financial assistance. And, Step Up for Students is not the only scholarship accepted. 

We also accept the McKay Scholarship, available to all current students in the public school system who have a qualified IEP or 504 plan for specific learning issues. Additionally, the FACTS Scholarship is an income-based program that covers 100 percent of tuition and is available for all parents who desire their children to attend Lakeside Christian School.

Depending on your child’s unique needs, they may be eligible for one of our scholarships. 

Schedule a Tour at Lakeside Christian School Today

At Lakeside Christian School, one of the Step Up for Students participating schools in Clearwater, Fl, our team is dedicated to serving all kinds of families and students, not just those with financial ability. If you’re searching for the top elementary and middle schools or the best private high schools in Clearwater, Fl, call us at (727) 239-7808 or complete our contact request form to schedule a tour today.