Leap Year

What would you do with an extra 24 hours?

Sleep? Run errands? Work?

This year is a leap year. We get a whole extra 24 hours more than we do in a normal year. Sure, most of us have to go about our daily routine on February 29th. But the fact remains that we are given an extra day.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”– Psalm 90:12

Can you make those extra 24 hours count for something? Consider doing, in those hours, what you might do if they were your last 24 hours.

Tell your children you love them and hold them tight.

Share the gospel with those who need to hear the good news.

Listen carefully to those who confide in you.

Laugh and smile.

Tell stories.

Appreciate the little things.

Watch the sunrise and sunset.

Eat good food.

Write letters to the ones you love.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. What important, meaningful thing could you do with your 24 hours? Be inspired to do it. Number your days and make them count… and make the most of your bonus day.