The Best Private Middle School Options In Clearwater

Not only are private middle schools in Clearwater, FL some of the best local options for students, but they also rank among the top schools statewide. These institutions prioritize helping their students reach their full potential through accelerated programs, seasoned educators, and a diverse student population. With a commitment to excellence, private schools in the greater Clearwater area aim to provide a superior education for their students.

Benefits Of Private Schools

To determine what sets the best private schools apart, it’s important to first consider the unique benefits they offer to students.

One key advantage is the personalized attention that teachers are able to provide. Private schools typically have smaller class sizes than public schools, which allows educators to tailor their approach to each student’s needs. This creates a dynamic learning environment that fosters engagement and accelerates growth.

In addition, private schools encourage parental involvement through open lines of communication. Parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress and have a voice in shaping their educational experience. This collaborative approach ensures that students are supported both in and out of the classroom.

Finally, private schools prioritize safety and security. Statistics show that private schools are safer than their public counterparts, and experts believe this may be due to factors such as lower student-teacher ratio and increased adult supervision. By providing a secure learning environment, private schools create a foundation for students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

3 Requirements The Top Private Schools Should Have

Academic Excellence

Academic excellence is a crucial aspect of any school, and achieving it requires a clear and comprehensive curriculum outline for all students. This includes establishing a standard educational philosophy for the teaching staff, as well as fostering an environment that encourages students to not only learn but to strive for excellence in their studies.

Student Development

Private schools offer an accelerated academic curriculum that is made possible by their smaller class sizes and the focused attention that teachers can provide to their students. In addition to this, private schools typically offer a wider range of extracurricular activities for students to engage in, allowing them to pursue their passions and develop a well-rounded skill set.

School Culture

The culture of a private school is perhaps the most critical aspect to consider when selecting a school. This encompasses the school’s beliefs and values, ranging from the level of safety and security provided to the values and opportunities offered to students.

Lakeside Christian School The Best Private Middle School In Clearwater FL

Lakeside Christian School stands out as the clear choice for the best middle school in the area when considering all the requirements necessary for a top-notch private school. With over 40 years of experience and an unwavering commitment to excellence, it’s no surprise that Lakeside Christian School has achieved this status.

Our school’s focus on individualized attention for each student is reflected in the classroom teaching and student curriculum. This allows teachers to cater to the unique needs of each student, resulting in a more in-depth teaching method that fosters growth and engagement.

In addition to academic excellence, we offer a diverse student population and a welcoming learning environment that promotes success. Students have the opportunity to excel in academics and extracurricular activities alike.

What sets Lakeside Christian School apart, however, is its Christian environment, which is woven into every aspect of school life. We are dedicated to instilling life-long values of loving God and loving others, creating a nurturing environment that goes beyond academic achievement.

Overall, Lakeside Christian School is the top choice for families seeking a private middle school in Clearwater, FL that offers exceptional education, individualized attention, a diverse and welcoming environment, and a commitment to Christian values.

Want to learn more about the best private middle schools in Clearwater, FL for your child? Click here and get started now!

Lakeside Christian School: The Best Private School for Hispanic Families

Choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision, particularly for Hispanic families who may face unique challenges regarding their education. Lakeside Christian School in Clearwater, FL, stands out as the best private middle school and private high school in Clearwater fl for Hispanic families, offering a nurturing and supportive environment that caters to their specific needs. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Lakeside Christian School is the top choice for Hispanic families seeking a quality education for their children.

Here are some of the reasons why Lakeside Christian School is the best private school for Hispanic families:


With over 40 years of experience in serving the Clearwater community, Lakeside Christian School has a long-standing reputation for excellence in education. Our experienced staff has helped numerous students overcome various obstacles and challenges, making Lakeside Christian School one of the top private middle and private high schools in Clearwater fl.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Lakeside Christian School prides itself on embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment for students from all backgrounds. Hispanic families can feel assured that their cultural heritage and traditions will be respected and celebrated. Our commitment to creating a multicultural and inclusive atmosphere ensures that students feel valued and supported throughout their educational journey.

Bilingual Support

Understanding that English may not be the first language for many Hispanic students, Lakeside Christian School provides dedicated bilingual support to ensure their academic success. Lakeside Christian School’s experienced teachers are equipped to offer individualized assistance, ensuring that students comprehend the curriculum and thrive in their studies. By providing bilingual support, we eliminate language barriers and ensure equal access to education for all students.

Culturally Relevant Curriculum

Lakeside Christian School recognizes the importance of a culturally relevant curriculum that acknowledges and integrates Hispanic heritage. The school incorporates diverse perspectives and experiences into its curriculum, allowing Hispanic students to see themselves reflected in their studies.

By connecting their education to their cultural identity, Lakeside Christian School instills a sense of pride and confidence in Hispanic students, further motivating them to excel academically.

Community and Parental Involvement

Lakeside Christian School values strong partnerships with parents and believes in the importance of involving families in their child’s education. Hispanic families are encouraged to actively participate in school events, parent-teacher conferences, and volunteer opportunities.

Lakeside Christian School ensures a supportive network that enhances the educational experience of Hispanic students by fostering open communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, and the school.

Spiritual Growth and Christian Values

Lakeside Christian School is founded on Christian principles, providing a values-based education that aligns with the beliefs and values of many Hispanic families. The school’s emphasis on spiritual growth, character development, and moral values creates a nurturing environment that fosters a strong sense of community and instills in students a solid foundation for a purposeful life.

Extracurricular Activities

Lakeside Christian School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that allow Hispanic students to explore their interests and talents. Whether it’s participating in sports teams, joining music or art clubs, or engaging in community service projects, these activities provide opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and social interaction. Hispanic students can fully engage in a well-rounded educational experience beyond the classroom.

The Clear Choice is LCS

Lakeside Christian School in Clearwater, FL, stands as the best private middle and private high school in Clearwater fl for Hispanic families seeking an exceptional education for their children. With its commitment to diversity, bilingual support, culturally relevant curriculum, community involvement, Christian values, and extensive extracurricular offerings, the school provides a nurturing and inclusive environment for Hispanic students to thrive academically, spiritually, and personally.

Choosing Lakeside Christian School ensures that Hispanic families have access to an education that respects their cultural identity, prepares their children for future success, and nurtures their overall well-being.

Get in touch with Lakeside Christian School, the leading private middle and private high school in clearwater fl, and discover how we can assist you this academic year – Contact us!

Cultivating a Love for Reading: Tips from Lakeside Christian School for Supporting Your Child’s Reading Skills

As parents, we strive to see our children succeed in all aspects of life, and reading is no exception. Mastering the skill of reading is fundamental for academic success and personal growth. However, learning to read can be a challenging process for some children. At Lakeside Christian School, the leading private school in Clearwater, Florida, we recognize the significance of reading and are eager to share valuable tips on how you can support your child in expanding their reading skills. By implementing these strategies, you can cultivate a love for reading and provide a strong foundation for their educational journey.

Read with Your Child Regularly

Reading with your child on a regular basis is crucial for their literacy development. Set aside dedicated time each day to read together, whether it’s a book, newspaper, or magazine. This activity improves their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking abilities. Encourage them to ask questions about the story, discuss the characters and plot, and express their thoughts and opinions. By engaging in shared reading experiences, you create a positive and interactive environment that fosters a deep connection with literature.

Empower Choice: Let Your Child Choose Their Reading Material

Allowing your child to select their reading material helps cultivate a love for reading. Take them to the library or bookstore and allow them to explore various genres and topics that interest them. If your child is facing reading challenges, assist them in finding books that align with their current reading level to boost their confidence. Offering a range of options and respecting their preferences empowers them to take ownership of their reading journey.

Explore Different Reading Methods

Reading extends beyond books. Encourage your child to engage with reading materials in the real world. When you’re out and about, invite them to read signs, menus, and labels, reinforcing their reading skills in practical contexts. Additionally, consider incorporating audiobooks into their reading routine. Audiobooks provide a refreshing alternative to traditional reading and improve comprehension and listening skills.

Focus on Phonics and Sight Words

Phonics and sight words are essential building blocks for reading proficiency. Phonics teaches children to decode words by recognizing and blending individual sounds, while sight words are commonly used words that require memorization. Regularly practice these skills with your child through interactive games and activities. This approach strengthens their reading foundation and boosts their confidence as they become more proficient readers.

Patience and Positivity

Learning to read is a gradual process that demands patience and positivity. Encourage your child through every step of their reading journey, even if they encounter challenges. Maintain an optimistic attitude and celebrate their progress, regardless of how small it may seem. By fostering a supportive environment and acknowledging their achievements, you nurture their self-esteem and motivation to continue learning.

Reading plays a vital role in a child’s academic and personal growth. By implementing these strategies from Lakeside Christian School, you can support your child in developing strong reading skills and igniting a lifelong love for literature. Remember, reading should be an enjoyable experience that sparks the imagination, expands knowledge, and cultivates a thirst for learning. Empower your child to embark on this remarkable journey, and watch as their reading skills flourish, opening doors to endless opportunities.

Get in touch with Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, Florida, and discover how we can assist you this academic year – Contact us!

How to Foster Independence at Home

Fostering independence in children is crucial for their overall development and future success. One key area where independence plays a significant role is in the classroom. When children possess the skills and mindset necessary to work independently, they can excel academically, take ownership of their learning, and become confident problem solvers. In this article, we will explore effective strategies parents can employ at home to foster independence in their children, empowering them to thrive in the classroom and setting them up for long-term educational success.

Establish a Structured Routine

A structured routine provides a solid foundation for fostering independence at home. Help your child establish a consistent schedule for tasks such as homework, studying, and personal responsibilities. Create a designated study area free from distractions and equip it with the necessary materials. Encourage your child to take ownership of their schedule, set goals and manage their time effectively. By adhering to a routine, children develop a sense of responsibility and discipline, which translates to improved focus and productivity in the classroom.

Encourage Self-Directed Learning

Promote a love for learning and independent exploration by encouraging self-directed learning at home. Provide access to age-appropriate books, educational resources, and technology that align with your child’s interests and curiosities. Encourage them to pursue topics they find fascinating, conduct research, and present their findings. Support their natural curiosity by asking open-ended questions and engaging in meaningful discussions. By nurturing self-directed learning, children develop a thirst for knowledge and become independent learners, taking an active role in their academic journey.

Develop Organizational Skills

Effective organization is a key skill for success in the classroom. Teach your child organizational techniques such as maintaining a well-organized backpack, using folders and binders for different subjects, and keeping track of assignments and deadlines. Help them develop strategies for prioritizing tasks, breaking them down into manageable steps, and creating study schedules. By fostering organizational skills, children become more efficient and confident in managing their academic responsibilities, reducing stress, and enhancing their overall performance.

Encourage Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are essential for academic success. Encourage your child to tackle challenges independently by posing thought-provoking questions and encouraging them to find creative solutions. Resist the temptation to provide immediate answers or solve problems for them. Instead, guide them through the problem-solving process, helping them analyze the situation, explore different perspectives, and consider possible solutions. By nurturing these skills at home, children develop resilience, resourcefulness, and the ability to think critically, which translates into academic achievement.

Foster Effective Communication

Strong communication skills are vital for success in the classroom. Encourage your child to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns openly and confidently. Engage in meaningful conversations, actively listening to their perspectives and encouraging them to articulate their thoughts clearly. Teach them how to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. Additionally, encourage participation in group activities, debates, and presentations, which enhance their communication skills and boost their confidence in academic settings.

Lakeside Christian School Empowers Our Students

Fostering independence at home is an essential component of preparing children for success in the classroom. By establishing a structured routine, encouraging self-directed learning, developing organizational skills, fostering problem-solving and critical thinking, and promoting effective communication, parents can empower their children to become independent learners and confident contributors in the academic environment. By instilling these skills and mindsets, parents set their children on a path toward educational success, allowing them to thrive in the classroom and beyond.

Lakeside Christian School, a top-rated private school in Clearwater, Florida, is committed to supporting independence in our classrooms by providing a nurturing and empowering environment for each of our students. We understand that fostering independence is essential for academic success and personal growth. In our classrooms, teachers encourage students to take ownership of their learning by providing opportunities for self-directed exploration and critical thinking. We foster a collaborative and supportive atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing their ideas and asking questions. Additionally, our teachers at Lakeside Christian School guide students in developing problem-solving skills, allowing them to tackle challenges independently and develop resilience. By fostering independence in the classroom, Lakeside Christian School equips students with the skills and mindset necessary to succeed academically and in their future endeavors.

Get in touch with Lakeside Christian School, the leading private school in Clearwater, Florida, and discover how we can assist you this academic year – Contact us!

5 Tips To Set Your Child Up For A Successful School Year

The start of a new school year comes with many challenges for both parents and children.

For private middle schools in Clearwater Florida, that stress is magnified ten times. This is due in large part to two things, the first is the more strict curriculum that the students must follow, and the second is the stress of being unprepared for the coming year.

So to make sure both you and your child’s school year goes off without a hitch, here are 5 tips that will make this school year a success.

Take A Personal Interest

Kids for the most part have no idea how to manage a heavy schedule, and classes tend to be much more strict in private schools due to the more personalized teaching method available. As such it is very common for things to slip their mind, either they’ll forget an assignment or a permission slip they need to sign. We recommend that instead of asking “how was school” and getting the same nod of the head for the millionth time ask if they need help with their homework or even any questions they may have about the lesson.

Go On A Campus Tour

Although a campus tour is something mostly done when your child is getting ready to leave for college, a campus tour for the new year especially if this is their first year at this school is actually incredibly helpful. Here at Lakeside Christian School one of the top christian middle schools in Clearwater Florida, we get several campus tours every year and highly recommend coming together with your child to get an idea of what is in store for the both of you.

Explain The Curriculum

Sometimes the most challenging part for students transitioning from public school to private school is the curriculum. Our curriculum is more structured around your child’s individual needs as such they will be challenged more, which can be incredibly stressful. To better prepare them we recommend walking them through what is in store for them, how this is like their old school, and how this is different from their current school. One big thing is the focus on character development we put in our curriculum, not all Christian middle schools in Clearwater Florida include this but we believe that this is a vital step to foster your child’s relationship with God.

Set Goals And Deadlines

Giving your child a simple goal that they can reach within a manageable timeline will do incredible things for them. By having them complete these simple goals they start to build their confidence and it also keeps them motivated, especially if you offer them some sort of reward for completing their goal.

Make The Home A Learning Environment

The second kids step into the home they completely forget about everything that happens at school, they get on their phone or start playing video games with no regard to anything else. To amend this we recommend making the home a learning environment. This means the teaching doesn’t stop even when they get home. A popular tool we recommend is having them help you with cooking. Not only is it fun, but having them measure the ingredients fosters new interest and also creates a learning environment.

Lakeside Christian School: Get In Contact With Us

The start of a new school year is always a scary thing, but following these steps you should see a change in your child’s attitude.

Contact us Lakeside Christian School, the top private school in Clearwater Florida and see how we can help you this school year.

When Is The Right Time To Enroll Your Child Into Private School

Deciding to enroll your child in a private school is not an easy choice to make. It’s normal to feel like your child might not fit in or be afraid that a private school is just not the right fit for you or your child. However, private schools have been proven to not just be more inclusive than traditional public schools, but the early jump start the students get in the private school puts them way ahead of their peers.

Some of the best private schools are in Clearwater Florida, but when deciding whether or not to enroll your child you should consider three things, the increased academic rigor, school safety, and options beyond academics.

Increase Academic Rigor

In general private schools have a much more demanding graduation requirement than public schools. This is due to the fact that they prepare their students more as such they are tested to a much higher standard.

If your child is already showing signs of not being challenged in school or you would like for them to have a much more in-depth curriculum, then a private school might just be the perfect place for your child.

It is also never a bad idea to give your child the best possible start, luckily some of the best private elementary schools are in Clearwater Florida.

School Safety

All you have to do nowadays is turn on the news and see just how unsafe traditional public schools have become. With bullying, behavioral issues, and much more public schools are almost always rated among the lowest when it comes to safety.

Yet when you look at private schools all these cases of bullying or fighting among the student body drop by a significant margin. This in part is due to the students feeling challenged and heard, and secondly due to the highly trained staff they hire. The staff is better equipped and experienced to help your child work their way through what is troubling them.

Options Beyond Academics

When funding gets harder to find the first thing that is always cut from schools are extracurricular activities, band, football, and clubs these are always the first thing that goes. This is not the case in private schools. Not only will your child always have the extracurricular activities available to them, but they will also have many more opportunities to join new and unique clubs that can spark a new passion in them.

The Top Private Elementary Schools In Clearwater Florida

If everything above interests you and your child then at this stage you must be considering possible private schools. There are plenty of options to pick and each one is a good option, but Lakeside Christian School is unlike any other private schools currently available. With over 40+ years of experience, highly qualified staff, and an abundance of extracurricular activities ranging from K-12 Lakeside Christian School will help your child prepare from the very beginning till they are ready to move on.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us, Lakeside Christian School is the best private school in Clearwater Florida.

How Long Does Step Up for Student Scholarship Last?

One of the best scholarship programs that the state of Florida has seen in recent years is Step Up for Students. It allows students to get up to $7,700 per year to study in K-12 private schools. It is a way of helping students with special needs, students who are bullied, and students from low-income backgrounds to pay the tuition fees of private schools.

This program was created by merging two of the biggest Scholarship organizations, Florida P.R.I.D.E. and Children First. It has raised over $700 million – making it one of the biggest non-profit organizations in the country.

However, there are several questions regarding the eligibility requirement for the Step Up for Students program, including how long does the program last. In this article, we will demystify the answers to all those questions.

What are the Eligibility Requirements to Get into the Step Up for Student Scholarship?

The Step Up for Students program’s eligibility requirements change yearly based on inflation and other socio-economic conditions. So, for 2022-23, only households with a family of four and income up to $111,000 annual income are eligible to become part of this program.

The other factors that decide how long the Step up for Student Scholarship last depends upon the grade level of the students.

Age Eligibility for Step-Up for Students

Here are the details about the age requirement of the Step Up for Students Eligibility Program. Meeting these eligibility criteria will allow your kids to enroll in the Step Up For Students participating Schools in Clearwater, Florida, and other participating areas:

  1. Students entering K.G. (Kindergarten) must be five years old before September 1st, 2022.
  2. Students entering the first grade must be six years old before September 1st, 2022.

Other Eligibility Requirements

  1. Siblings of students who are participating in the Family Empowerment Scholarship program are eligible for this scholarship.
  2. Siblings of students who are eligible based on their special needs.
  3. Children dependent on the United States Armed Forces members may qualify for the Step-up for Students program. In this instance, their household income is of little significance. This program includes the children of the Marine Corps, Space Force, reservists, Navy, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps.
  4. Children who depend upon law enforcement officers are also eligible for part of the program.

What are the different benefits of Step Up for Students Scholarships?

Following are the different benefits of opting for Step Up for students in Clearwater, FL:

    1. Access to High-Quality Education: The scholarship program enables students to attend high-quality private schools that they may not have been able to afford otherwise.
    2. Financial Assistance: The scholarship covers tuition and fees for eligible students, providing financial assistance to families who need it.
    3. Flexibility: Step Up for Students Scholarships offer flexibility in terms of school choice, allowing parents to choose the best school for their child, whether it is a religious, secular, or specialized school.
    4. Educational Opportunities: The program offers several different scholarship options, including the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, Gardiner Scholarship, Hope Scholarship, Reading Scholarship, and Family Empowerment Scholarship. Each scholarship provides different educational opportunities for eligible students.
    5. Student Support: Step Up for Students Scholarships provide support services for students, including tutoring, mentoring, and career counseling, to help students succeed in school and beyond.

How Long Does Step Up for Student Scholarship Last?

Now comes the most important question – how long does the program last? Naturally, it lasts once the students fall outside the eligibility criteria.

  1. If the income of a family up to four goes more than $111,000, or
  2. Once the students finish school.

In other words, the Step Up Program for Student Scholarship helps students till the end of their school term.

Are you looking for the right Step Up for a Student participating in school in Clearwater, FL? Lakeside Christian School is the right choice for you. We will help instill valuable lessons in your child that will stay with them to help them throughout their lives.

To learn more, give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour today.

How Can I Afford to Send My Child to Private School?

The foundation of any civilization is education, which is why parents strive to provide their children with the best education possible, regardless of their financial background. However, with the ever-changing socio-economic conditions of the world, many parents are left wondering how they can afford to send their children to private schools.

Fortunately, Lakeside Christian School, the best private school in Clearwater, FL, has the solution. If you’re seeking affordable private school options, here are a few things to consider.

Explore Less Costly Private Schools

Not all private schools are expensive. Day schools are generally less expensive than boarding schools and religious schools can be less costly than secular ones. Lakeside Christian School is a religious school that welcomes students of all races, nationalities, and ethnic origins, without discrimination. We offer a comprehensive program for our students and accept McKay and S.U.F.S. scholarships.

Search for Affordable Schools in Your Area

If you’re searching for other private school options, research great schools in your area and read their reviews. While some schools may be affordable due to lower fees, ensure that they don’t compromise on the quality of education.

Apply for Private School Scholarships

There are numerous scholarships available to students, including those from organizations such as Florida P.R.I.D.E. and Children First, offering scholarships like Step Up for Students. These scholarships provide up to $7,700 annually to low-income families, students with special needs, students who have been bullied, and children of family members in the armed forces.

Get Financial Aid

Many private schools offer financial aid to families who cannot afford full tuition. Options include tuition payment plans, tuition loans, grants, merit scholarships, outside scholarships, and discounts.

Join Lakeside Christian School

Lakeside Christian School offers truly affordable education without compromising on quality teaching. We have been providing education for all since 1975 and offer various scholarship options. Take the first step towards your child’s better future and join us at Lakeside Christian School.

To learn more, give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour today.

How to Apply for Private School Scholarships

Every child deserves a high-quality education, regardless of income. As one of the leading private middle schools in Clearwater, FL, Lakeside Christian School is committed to providing individualized education guided by God for all children. Through various scholarship opportunities, you can provide your child with the best education and opportunities possible without worrying about the cost of tuition.

Read on to learn more about applying for the various scholarship programs available at Lakeside Christian School.

Private School Scholarship Programs in Clearwater, Florida

There are multiple scholarship programs available under Step Up for Students in Clearwater, FL.

The most popular among them are the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and Family Empowerment Scholarship. There are also scholarship options for students with unique abilities.

Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program

Established in 2001, the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program offers an income tax credit for corporations that donate to SFOs or Scholarship Funding Organizations. This scholarship is aimed at expanding educational opportunities for children coming from low-income households so that they can achieve greater excellence in terms of education.

The eligibility criteria that must be met in order to benefit from the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program are as follows:

  1. Student must be placed in the current or the previous fiscal year, or
  2. The student’s name is on the direct certification list, or
  3. The student’s family’s household income is not more than 185% of the federal poverty level
  4. A student may be considered eligible if their household income is not more than 260% of the federal poverty line

Family Empowerment Scholarship Program

The Family Empowerment Scholarship Program bill was expanded to include two branches in 2022. The eligibility of the students is based on family income.

This scholarship provides K-12 students with options to choose among the participating private schools. Families must apply through one of the approved SFOs.

Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities

The Family Empowerment Scholarship Program offers students with unique abilities who are as young as three years old access to additional options for educational institutes. Families can choose a different public school or receive a personal education savings account for their children.

With ESA funds, families can access private school tuition fees, online learning programs, private tutoring, higher education costs, college expenses, and other approved learning materials.

Applying for a Private School Scholarship

Here are the steps to apply for a private school scholarship to benefit from the programs mentioned above.

  1. Visit the official website for Step Up for Students in Clearwater, FL
  2. Select the scholarship that you want to apply for
  3. Download the FTC handbook or FEC handbook to learn about the essential points associated with the scholarship
  4. Click on Apply Now
  5. Enter the user credentials
  6. Follow on-screen instructions and upload the required documents

Information about the documents and additional information about the eligibility criteria are detailed in the scholarship handbooks.

Lakeside Christian School – A Leading Private Middle School in Clearwater, FL

If you are looking for quality education for your children, consider Lakeside Christian School. As a leading private middle school in Clearwater, FL, we offer the best education for your child, regardless of your household income.

To learn more, give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour today.

School Choice for Hispanic Families

The achievement gap among Hispanic students is an issue that Lakeside Christian School works hard to eliminate. According to the Washington Examiner, the Latino dropout rate is 65% higher than white students, and 40% higher than black students. Contributing to this statistic is the fact that public school options provided to students often do not deliver education that can create transformation in their lives and future.

Read on to learn more about how Lakeside Christian School, a leading Christian high school in Clearwater, FL focuses on the importance of school choice for Hispanic families.

What Is School Choice?

The term “School Choice” refers to parents and guardians having an increased opportunity to select schools their children can attend from elementary to secondary education. Typically, children are assigned to a public school based on where the parents or guardians live, significantly limiting their pool to choose from.

The absence of school choice can lead to racial, ethnic, and economic isolation, which can deter a child from growing.

The Need for School Choice for Hispanic Families

The “one-size-fits-all” approach leaves room for many students to be left behind, a fact that may be contributing to the Hispanic student achievement gap.

Studies show that in a class with 100 students, out of which 30 would be Latino, eight will drop out before graduating high school. It is crucial that your child’s school knows the gap that Hispanic students face, and works to tailor their approach and properly address it. At Lakeside Christian School, one of the top Christian middle schools in Clearwater, FL, we know how important it is to treat each child like the unique individual they are.

What Are the Benefits of School Choice?

School choice provides families with many benefits, some of which are as follows.

Add Student Safety

School choice options protect students from schools where bullying and gang-related violence are common. Research has noted that school choice participants are 50% less likely to commit felonies than those who went to local public schools.

Higher Family Involvement

When parents and guardians are actively involved in deciding where their child attends school, they are more likely to remain involved throughout the school year. This involvement and attention from parents and guardians is crucial to guiding children throughout their academic career and beyond.

At Lakeside Christian School, we are committed to involving the family as much as possible to enrich the lives of our students.

Thorough Religious Education

Religion is a prominent factor in many Hispanic families. While religion is not traditionally taught in public school systems, school choice allows families the option to place their child in an environment guided by God.

Lakeside Christian Schools offers a leading option for Christian middle schools in Clearwater, FL and Christian high schools in Clearwater, FL that help students learn while embracing their faith. We are built on the biblical principles of loving God and loving others, and this care is demonstrated through the relationships between all members of the Lakeside Christian School family.

Scholarships for Low-Income Families

Over 19% of Latino households in Florida live below the federal poverty line, which often deters families from providing a high-quality education to their children. With school choice, these families can apply for scholarships, such as Mckay Scholarships, Step Up For Students Scholarships, and FACTS Scholarships, and find the best possible schooling for their children without the worry of finances. To learn more about our variety of scholarships, click here. 

Enroll Your Child in Lakeside Christian School

At Lakeside Christian School, we are dedicated to providing an environment where all students can embrace their spirituality and reach their full potential, despite financial status.

To learn more about what makes us a leading Christian middle school in Clearwater, FL, call us at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour today.

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Parents of Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, Click Here.


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