3 Tips for Successful Virtual Learning

Lakeside Christian School, not unlike many private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, is offering a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning for any students who need to attend school remotely in either the short or long term. And while our virtual program is designed to continue to provide an outstanding educational experience with the flexibility for parents to assess their own needs for remote or in-person learning, we recognize that making and maintaining the transition to remote coursework is not always easy. That’s why, in today’s brief article, we’ll be going over three tips for your student to be successful at virtual learning.


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1. Establish a Comfortable “Learning Space”


Your student may normally do their homework on the kitchen table or in their bedroom, but this space is often not a suitable environment for them to conduct all of their virtual learning. Instead, you’ll likely want to create a quiet, peaceful space that is exclusively dedicated to that purpose. Much like physically going to school helps your student know it’s time to focus, you’ll find that going to this designated area will help your student clear their headspace and get to work.


It doesn’t matter where the area is within your home, so long as there is enough space for your student to spread out all of their materials. It should be well-lit, free from clutter, and preferably close to an outlet so that any electronic devices needed for school can be charged. Overall, you just want a clean, dedicated area that helps your student relax and feel more prepared to study.


2. Follow a Schedule


Without the structure of teachers and class changes, it can be easy to go to extremes. Some students may spend all day feverishly working, while others may spend five minutes on an assignment that was supposed to last half an hour. You’ll want to counteract this problem by creating and following a schedule that helps your student stay on track.


For older students, this could mean purchasing a planner or making use of an online resource like Google Calendar. For younger students who can’t tell time yet, it would be beneficial to try setting up a timer for the number of minutes they should spend on a specific activity. It may also be helpful to break the day into 15-20 minute time blocks and plan what needs to be completed in each block rather than simply working on one subject for most of the day.


3. Ask For Help


Last but not least, if you ever feel like you or your student may need assistance with virtual learning, it’s important to reach out for help. This could mean contacting your student’s teachers with any questions, reaching out to your student’s counselor when they begin to feel overwhelmed, or speaking with other parents whose children are doing virtual learning about how they are coping. It’s important to ask for help as soon as possible so that your student does not risk falling behind or not fully understanding an important topic. For more information on how your student can succeed in a virtual learning program, get in touch with Lakeside Christian School — an affordable private elementary school in Clearwater, FL.



If you would like to learn more about Lakeside Christian School, one of the best private elementary schools in Clearwater, FL, please give us a call at (727) 239-7808 or schedule a tour of our campus.